6 Undisputed Advantages of Asphalt As A Residential Driveway Paver
Entry into asphalt or concrete? Which paving offers the best value for my driveway? Is maintenance difficult for an asphalt paving driveway? What is the cost of asphalt paving? The construction of a pavement of entry to the house involves its share of questions. To help you make an informed choice, we present 6 advantages of asphalt paving for your residential driveway.
1. Asphalt paving builds quickly
Depending on your case, if you want to asphalt a new construction or simply repair your driveway, the duration may vary. When it comes to new construction, the best specialists will recommend that you wait between 6 and 12 months to allow the soil time to settle naturally. On the other hand, for work to repair the entrance, asphalt differs from concrete by the speed of the work.
2. Asphalt paving is easy to maintain
Owning your own home often comes with its share of new maintenance tasks. Fortunately, the maintenance of asphalt paving is done without difficulty. You can apply a bitumen and solvent-based treatment that will penetrate your asphalt and reduce its wear over time and the appearance of cracks.
Experts agree that an optimal maintenance frequency should occur every 3 years. The maintenance every 3 years makes it possible to repair the superficial cracks by preventing them from growing.
When constructing your asphalt paved driveway, if conditions permit, make sure your driveway has a slope of at least 2%. This will allow rain to run off without accumulating on your asphalt and wearing it out prematurely.
3. Asphalt paving is economical
The price of materials for asphalt paving is much cheaper than many other coatings. For example, an asphalt paving driveway can cost up to half the cost of a uni-stone when both materials have the same benefits for life. Since maintenance and repairs are much easier to perform than those on concrete, asphalt paving still saves you money in the long run!
4. Asphalt paving is recycled
Choosing asphalt paving for your home parking driveway allows you to make a positive gesture for the environment. Asphalt can be recycled without any problem and can thus be used on another project.
5. Asphalt paving is safe
Asphalt pavements offer high skid resistance and provide a high-color contrast between the asphalt pavement and road markers, giving drivers better visibility of the road in all weather conditions. It is little affected by products like salt, and the dark color of asphalt paving also reduces glare and melts ice and snow faster than other types of pavement.
In addition, asphalt pavements provide a more even surface, and smooth roads are safer because rough and uneven surfaces increase driver fatigue and decrease control over their vehicle.
6. Asphalt paving is versatile
The asphalt paving several possible uses, whether to pave the streets, roads and highways, creating residential or commercial parking spaces, footpaths, and many others.
Must read
Skye Asphalt continues to acquire new customers and meet the highest quality standards. Carrying out hundreds and hundreds of asphalt paving jobs per year, we can safely say that we are asphalt paving experts in Plano, TX! We carry out asphalt work of all sizes, mainly in the residential and commercial field, but also in the institutional and municipal sectors.
Contact us now: (469) 251-5892
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