How To Remove Stains From Paving Slabs?
During operation, the pavement surface is exposed to various external and mechanical factors, as a result of which dirt and stains may appear on the surface. Some of these contaminants can be easily cleaned using household chemicals, but sometimes, to restore the appearance of the pavement, a whole range of care measures are required with the use of professional products.
Bituminous spots on paving slabs
It is advisable to remove bitumen stains with a stiff metal brush or scraper. Cleaning is best done in winter (or using ice), when bitumen becomes brittle, brittle and easily crumbles from the surface of the paving slabs.
Rust removal
In some situations, traces of rust may appear on the paving slabs. For example, the impact of a bucket of special equipment on the pavement leads to the formation of scratches and chips on the tiles, which over time became pigmented with iron particles and acquire a rusty tint.
Rust can also appear in raw materials for the production of paving-stones (sand), as well as in pallets in a finished product warehouse when stored in several tiers. Under the influence of rains, metal nails in the transport pallets rust and the resulting solution flows down to the underlying rows of products, staining it with yellowish stains.
White spots on paving slabs
White spots on paving slabs are the result of efflorescence (white salt deposits) and lime deposits. After 1-2 years of operation, efflorescence, as a rule, disappear on their own under the influence of rains.
To quickly remove efflorescence and improve the appearance of the pavement, special chemical compositions are used – “Tiprom”, “Neomid”. Depending on the degree of contamination, the product must be dissolved in water in the required proportion as specified in the operating instructions. The resulting solution is applied with a brush, roller, or brush on a pre-moistened surface. The formation of a foaming film in the first seconds of processing is a sign of the efflorescence neutralization reaction.
The consumption of the working composition is on average 200 grams per square meter of coating. At the end of the treatment, the paving surface must be additionally rinsed with water from a garden hose.
Oil stains on paving slabs
Fresh oil spills (engine oil, diesel, etc.) can be removed with absorbent materials such as paper towels, rags, sawdust. In this case, you should not resort to increased friction in order to avoid contamination of a larger surface of the paving slabs.
Stubborn oil and grease stains should be removed using organic solvents – White spirit, solvent, etc. (be careful on colored surfaces!). It is better to replace the contaminated sand in the tile joints with clean sand.
Regular maintenance of the pavement
For regular dry cleaning of debris or dust, you can use dry brushes, sweepers, or garden vacuum cleaners. It is strictly forbidden to use tools or power-harvesting equipment with a metal-working part that can damage the top layer of the pavement.
Once a month, paving slabs need wet brushing or washing. When wet cleaning, it is recommended to direct the stream of water at a low angle to the coating in order to minimize any risk of damage to the tile joints (if the joints are damaged, they must be filled with sand).
For its stain removal from slab, call on professional.
If you want to extend the life of your driveway and are ready to have it resurfaced, contact the Plano,TX paving experts at Skye Asphalt.
Contact us now: (469) 251-5892
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